TV Shows to Get Podcast Music Inspiration From
Music lovers need not feel left out of the TV scene, as there have always been great TV shows that do not fail to tug at the hearts of those who need music to put a smile on their faces. Whether you’re talking about shows from decades ago, or shows that are still running, you […]
Tips for Using Garage Band to Edit a Podcast
Garage band, Appleās music recording software package, can be a powerful tool for putting together great podcasts. Here are some tips on doing just that: Make Session Templates Session templates are general parameters that define certain elements of a Garage Band recording session. These types of templates are found in many audio editors and are […]
Doing Great Educational Podcasts
One type of podcast to consider is the educational podcast. This sort of podcast is usually spoken and may consist either solely of audio or of both audio and video. Though any podcast can be considered informative in some sense, educational podcasts have education as a more or less exclusive focus. These podcasts may even […]