Category: Tutorials

  • Making your own de-esser

    Today we’ll talk more about the de-esser, or more specifically, how you can make one if you haven’t got one. Many early de-essers used in broadcast were actually not de-essers, but homebrew stuff. And it’s not as hard as it sounds. You won’t have to touch a single screw. You will need a compressor and […]

  • Soundflower for podcasts

    Here’s a little something Mac users might enjoy (no Windows version available). Soundflower is a great tool for OS X 10.2 and upwards. Basically what it does is that it lets you connect one application to another and pass audio between the two. Originally posted on December 16, 2008 @ 11:08 am

  • Video of Røde Procaster and some tips on microphone technique

    Røde now has a video of their Procaster broadcasting microphone (previous post) on their website. Unfortunately I couldn’t embed it so you’ll have to go to their website to check it out. The video is partly pure advertising for Røde which really shouldn’t come as a surprise since it’s their website. There’s some interesting things […]

  • Some not so detailed recording tips

    After looking for info on the Mojave microphone I posted about earlier, I stumbled upon a section on the Mojave website about recording. Not very detailed or podcast specific at all, but some of you might enjoy it. Originally posted on November 18, 2008 @ 12:07 am

  • Want to make a video podcast?

    I just browsed Youtube and found this video clip. It’s an interview with the makers of Profcast. Originally posted on October 28, 2008 @ 1:55 am