Category: Tutorials

  • Spicing it up

    If you want to spice up your podcast a little you can try some of the following: Speakerphone, or some other kind of speaker emulations. Let your voice sound like it’s coming through a telephone or a walkie-talkie for instance. Sound effects can be interesting to through in the mix. There are plenty available here […]

  • Four processors you’ll want for podcasting

    If you’re just starting out mixing and tweaking your podcast it’s easy to get lost among the things you need. In this post I’ll talk about four processors that are near essential to a well sounding podcast. They’re all available in both hardware and plug-in formats. Originally posted on September 4, 2008 @ 12:24 am

  • Hal Leonard Guerrilla Home Recording 2nd edition out now

    Hal Leonard Guerrilla Home Recording How to Get Great Sound from Any Studio (No Matter How Weird or Cheap Your Gear Is) 2nd edition – and yes, that is actually the title. I haven’t read the first edition but it looks like it’s mostly aimed for recording music. I thought I’d mention it anyway, perhaps […]

  • Podcasting without a budget – part 2

    To conclude on the topic of podcasting without a budget or “I have too much money, tell me how to spend them”-podcasting I will talk a little about software, the room as well as processing and FX. Originally posted on June 2, 2008 @ 8:32 am

  • Those damn s’s and p’s

    When recording the human voice one of the hardest thing to get right are the plosives. It’s important for a good sounding recording to even out the volume of them compared to the rest of the voice. The problem is, those damn s’s, p’s and t’s pop out like a jack-in-the-box! Originally posted on May […]