Searching the domain names

In today’s fast paces life where it expectations are to get the information at our fingertips in a moment, internet comes to our rescue but with oceans of information, freely flowing there is a growing need to facilitate domain search availability thereby organizing the search to lead to the required information quickly.
There is no dearth of information, but lack of organization would lead to serious pitfalls as the storage keeps growing, lot of stuff goes to the bins and there are all the chances that sometimes very useful information also sees through itself in the garbage. Again, in a bid to preserve the information and counter the fear of loss we keep creating copies in multiple places ultimately loosing track of itself.

Serious thoughts need to be put together to channelize the flow of information, organize it better and filter out unwanted stuff and preserve just the right information. This would pave way to matured way of browsing whereby the user will be able to search for the information domain wise. This will save the user from unnecessary browsing that all of us do in order to explore further information to ensure that we receive the desired information. To do this sometimes takes as long as 1 day as we are not sure which website to follow.

In addition, we need to bear in mind that it has to be a continuous process and not just one time activity.
By segregating, the information category wise into domain and facilitating domain search availability would save lot of this discomfiture and lead to just the information we are looking for.

Originally posted on February 10, 2011 @ 6:30 am

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