Category: General

  • Podpage Review: Make a Quick, Easy, but Great Podcast Website

    Not so long ago, people who owned and ran websites were rare and mythical creatures. These days, though, there are a number of ways the average non-techy person can set up their own space online. This is especially true in podcasting. One of the best options out there now is a service called Podpage. In […]

  • The easy way for creating a podcast feed

    As you probably know if you’ve been thinking about starting a podcast (or already have one!) you will need a way to create a feed for it. There are a couple of ways to achieve this, but Podbasket probably offers the easiest – just supply the URL. Check it out at Originally posted on […]

  • Bring out the broom!

    Following last days post on cleaning up your recordings I’ll give you a list of a couple of helpful plug-ins and applications that are specialized on this task. Most of these are rather expensive, but they can prove to be worth the price. Originally posted on July 23, 2010 @ 12:25 pm

  • Best Podcast Mixers: Costs, Features, & Flexibility (Our Top Picks)

    Best Podcast Mixers: At-a-Glance You don’t need a mixer to podcast, but there are reasons to want one! One of them is increased control and flexibility in recording (be it locally or remotely). A mixer can help you cut down on your editing time, too. However, they can add an extra layer of complexity to […]

  • 💪 Lessons from Summer Bodies + Ernesto Aguilar

    Presented by Disctopia Growing up should mean feeling ever less unique—in painful and redemptive ways. The School of Life Lessons from Summer Bodies They say summer bodies are made in the winter. It takes time to change, to curb bad habits and replace them with positive ones, to become the version of ourselves we aspire to […]

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